Collective Mur is an inclusive circus company made up of people with and without functional diversity that aims to raise people's awareness of physical and mental limitations, and the human ability to overcome them



Circo Integrador



Nacho Flores + -

Originally from Madrid, he discovered the circus in Amsterdam and embarked on a long training path through various schools around the world (Carampa Circus School, Mar Navarro International Theater School, Russian National School, Lido de Toulouse Circus School) and together with internationally recognized teachers. , like the juggler Ernesto Terri. He has worked in the Circus Oblique and is the creator of his own discipline: balancing on wooden cubes. He participates with “Bonhomme” in the Demain Festival, which distinguishes him with several awards. In 2014 CircusNext awarded his number “Tesseract”.

David Candelich + -

Specialized in mast, acrobatics and balancing on objects, Candelich has trained at the Circ Petit School in Pineda de Mar and at Rogelio Rivel. He has performed at the Circorts Festival, the Trapezi de Reus, at the Nits del Circ del CaixaForum and at the Terrassa Modernist Fair, among others. He is a professor at Rogelio Rivel, Cronopis (Mataró) and Ateneu Nou Barris (Barcelona).

Jordi Mas + -

Young Creators Award from the Municipal Institute of Cultural Action of Mataró in 2005 with the show “NMOR” (Volaquivol Company), Mas has attended the Rogelio Rivel Circus School and is an actor and creator of the company Trifaldó, winner of the Audience Award Zirkolika 2011. He has also been artistic director of the Curtcirckit Festival and the Montgat Circ Festival and is one of the founders of the Associació de les Arts del Circ Cronopis de Mataró.

Sergio Pla + -

Born in Valencia and graduated in Physical Education Teaching from the University of Valencia. Upon finishing his degree he graduated with higher studies in circus arts at the National Center for Circus Arts in London. Later, he trained in contemporary dance at the Valencia Conservatory of Dance. In his desire to investigate the contributions that dance can have within the circus, he entered the Institut del Teatre of Barcelona in 2012, where he graduated in higher studies in Choreography and Dance Interpretation in 2017.


Alberto Munilla + -

Born in 1978 in Logroño, Munilla trained at the Rogelio Rivel Circus School in Barcelona and specializes in acrobatic and vertical balances. He has a long career and has participated, among others, in “El ghost del Palau” (Palau de la Música, 2003) or “IturzaFusion” (Compañía de Circo Provisional, 2011).

Circ Bombeta + -

Morgades, Comesa, Osoyo and Maltas are students of Circ Bombeta, an initiative born in 2008 as a result of the synergy created between Cronopis and the Associació d'Integració Social Taller d'Idees. A priori, the objective of the course was for people with different abilities to work on motor skills, self-improvement, creativity and confidence through circus art. Over time, however, the goal becomes more ambitious: to also perform on stage.

Recognize and accept ourselves without filters, without hierarchies, without prejudices, without compassion, and with sincerity and courage, as equals